News / June 4th, 2024

Commissioners Day – May 24

After all the rain, and a flood, earlier in the year, we had to cancel our county Commissioners Day at Marston Forest Centre in January.  The event was rescheduled and went ahead last month, in May. It was a lovely sunny day.  We arrived before the Park Runners had left, so the car park was very busy.  But the weather couldn’t have been better.  We had a lovely sunny day for it, and even managed to get outside for a game.  

The day focussed on some back to basics commissioners training for those who are fairly new to the role, and reminders for those volunteers longer in the tooth.  We started the day playing a game from the Rainbow programme, helping to get to know each others favourite colours and animals.  Later in the day we went outside to play a game in the sun, encouraging working as a team.  

Other topics were covered during the day, Inclusion and later an opportunity to raise issues people are struggling with in their role, and get others to provide insight, ideas and experience to help and support.  Christian also talked us through the plan for changes to our technology, initially email hosting, and later other plans to bring us up to date with 2FA and file sharing solutions.  There was an opportunity to sit and chat whilst trying a few crafts, before the day was wrapped up.   

Commissioners, or their teams/reps, who attended left with a goody bag for their division containing a sample of the PR resources available for upcoming events, plus other growth and marketing resources.

We all enjoyed a very nice lunch, provided by Marston Forest Centre, one of our county partners.

We are very grateful to Lynn a trainer from Cambridgeshire East, who lead our morning session.  All who attended would like to thank all involved in organising and running the event.  We hope everyone who attended benefitted and enjoyed the day.

If you are interested in joining our volunteer team please register your interest.